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... RIBA's Beyond Bauhaus explores the school's long-lasting impact on the UK 由專築網麻雀,小R編譯 儘管英國很少有包浩斯風格的建築,但該運動對英國建築產生了巨大影響。「Beyond Bauhaus」的策展人Pete Collard選擇了四座展示學校影響力的建築進行探索。 倫敦皇家英國建築師學會的「Beyond Bauhaus」展覽旨在探討100年前成立的這所德國設計學校對英國的影響。 Collard認為,包浩斯及其創始人沃爾特·格羅皮烏斯背後的哲學對該國的建築產生了巨大並持久影響。 Collard對Dezeen記者說:「由於現代主義的流行,包浩斯對英國的影響可能並不只是在建築風格方面,而是更多與格羅皮烏斯在1934年提出並帶到英國的哲學有關。」 「他對建築師在社會中的角色有了新定義,採用新材料和建築技術,在當時的實踐中尚不流行,但對許多年輕建築師而言卻是具有變革性的想法。」 在展覽中,Collard和策展人Valeria Carullo追溯了包浩斯學校背後的概念及其傳播方式。 「我們的展覽最初是展示了一些重要的包浩斯人物在1933年學校關閉後的行蹤,但從那裡我們考慮到了Gropius、Marcel Breuer、László Moholy-Nagy來到英國時的影響,以及上世紀30年代及以後的英國建築的發展。」Collard說。 「我們希望表明,其影響力可以通過短暫的時刻得以追溯,例如公開演講和展覽以及任何已建成的建築物。」 該展覽展出了許多由RIBA圖片檔案所拍攝的圖像,這些圖像在由智利建築工作室Pezo von Ellrichshausen設計的色彩鮮艷的展覽中得以展示。 Collard說:「我們希望展覽能夠證明現代主義是一種複雜的、多層次的語言,而以包浩斯為中心的展覽也可以討論勒·柯布西耶。」 「由於展出的大部分材料都是檔案,主要是2D圖紙和照片,所以我們希望提供比人們預想的更有活力的展覽設計。這將鼓勵人們在畫廊中更仔細地觀察並創造更多的實體參與感的空間。」 閱讀以下展覽,了解Pete Collard的選擇,這些選擇展示了包浩斯在英國的影響力之廣: Although few overtly Bauhaus buildings were built in the UK, the movement's ideals had a huge impact on British architecture. Beyond Bauhaus curator, Pete Collard, picks four buildings that demonstrate the school's influence. The Beyond Bauhaus exhibition at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London aims to explore the influence that the German design school, which was established 100 years ago, had in the UK. Collard believes that it was the philosophies behind the Bauhaus, and its founder Walter Gropius, that have had the greatest lasting impact on architecture in the country. "The impact of the Bauhaus on Britain was perhaps not stylistic, as modernism was already underway, but more to do with the philosophies that Gropius typified and brought to the UK in 1934," Collard told Dezeen. "His vision for a newly defined role for the architect in society was centred around collaborative working, the adoption of new materials and construction technologies, ideas that were not yet prevalent in contemporary practice at that time but that was transformative to many younger architects." Within the exhibition Collard and co-curator Valeria Carullo trace how the ideal behind the Bauhaus school, along with some of its teachers, came to the UK and how its ideals spread. "Our exhibition initially shows 'what happened next' to some of the key Bauhaus figures in the immediate aftermath of the school's closure in 1933, but from there we consider what impact the arrival of Gropius, Marcel Breuer and László Moholy-Nagy in Britain had on British architecture during the 1930s and beyond," said Collard. "In particular we wanted to show that influence can be traced through ephemeral moments such as public lectures and exhibitions as much as any completed buildings." The exhibition features numerous images taken from RIBA's picture archives displayed in a brightly coloured exhibition designed by Chilean architecture studio Pezo von Ellrichshausen. "We hope the exhibition demonstrates that modernism is a complex, multi-layered language and that a show centred around the Bauhaus can discuss Le Corbusier as well," said Collard. "Because much of the material on display is archival and primarily 2D – drawings, photographs and ephemera – we wanted to offer a more dynamic exhibition design than people might have anticipated, something that would encourage closer looking and create a more physical engagement within the gallery space." Read below for Pete Collard's choices from the exhibition that demonstrate the breadth of influence of the Bauhaus in the UK: ... Image courtesy of RIBA Collections 赫特福德郡建築事務所 / Cadmore Lane初級學校 / 1959年 合作設計是格羅皮烏斯在包浩斯任職以及他後來在哈佛任教時提出的主要觀點,並為他的建築實踐理論奠定了基礎。 他說:「當所有成員都有機會通過表現而不是通過任命而成為領導者時,真正的領導才能出現。」 在英國,這種實踐方法直到戰後時代才出現,當時許多城市建築師來設計計劃中的社會住房和公共基礎設施項目。 在赫特福德郡,市政局招募了一支由年輕且積極的建築師而組成的團隊,其中包括Mary Crowley和Stirrat Johnson-Marshall,以開展新學校計劃。Johnson-Marshall受格羅皮烏斯於1934年訪問利物浦大學時的啟發,他作為城市建築師的新職位使他將德國大師的哲學付諸實踐。 該辦公室才用的是一種協作實踐的方式,共享技能和經驗,並與教師緊密聯繫,以共同實現建築和教育學科的統一。 在最初的十年中,隨著赫特福德郡成為教學樓的世界典範,該市基於標準化的網格系統,並使用預製的工業組件在該市建造了100多座新設施。 Cadmore Lane Junior School by Hertfordshire County Architects Office, 1959 Collaborative design was central to Gropius' tenure at the Bauhaus and his later teaching in Harvard, and formed the basis for his theories on architecture practice. "True leadership can emerge when all members have a chance to become leaders by performance, not by appointment," he claimed. In Britain, such approaches to practice were not seen until the post-war era, when a series of County Architects were established to design the social housing and public infrastructure projects being planned. In Hertfordshire, the council recruited a team of young and progressive architects, including Mary Crowley and Stirrat Johnson-Marshall to deliver a programme of new schools. Johnson-Marshall had been inspired by a visit of Gropius to Liverpool University in 1934 and his new role as Deputy County Architect allowed him to bring the German master's philosophies into action. The office operated as a collaborative practice, sharing skills and experience and liaising closely with teachers to unite the disciplines of architecture and education in a joint purpose. Over 100 new facilities were built in the county in the first ten years, based on a standardised grid system and using pre-fabricated industrial components, as Hertfordshire became a world leader in school building. ... Image courtesy of RIBA Collections Peterlee開發公司 / Sunny Blunts莊園 / 1960年 包浩斯的一項基本原則是相信藝術應與人類生活的方方面面融為一體。格羅皮烏斯將這種精神貫徹到他的建築實踐中,正如他在1937年要求Henry Moore為他在劍橋郡的Impington鄉村學院創作雕塑時所展示的那樣。 儘管由於成本原因取消了該計劃,但Moore的設計後來受Stevenage的一所新學校委託,這是整個赫特福德郡一項慷慨的計劃,該計劃將該市年度預算的百分之一用於當代藝術,並安裝在學校內。 格羅皮烏斯的概念更重要的變化是抽象畫家Victor Pasmore參與了達勒姆郡Peterlee新市鎮的房屋設計。在Berthold Lubetkin退出該項目後,Pasmore被任命為城市設計諮詢總監,他的畫作是對300英畝的Sunny Blunts莊園進行美化和布局的基礎。 莊園的中心是阿波羅亭子,這是由Pasmore設計的懸臂式混凝土結構,位於人工湖的上方,意圖將建築與藝術進行結合。 Sunny Blunts Estate, Peterlee, by Peterlee Development Corporation, 1960 A founding principle of the Bauhaus was the belief that art should engage with all aspects of human life. Gropius carried this ethos forward into his architecture practice, as demonstrated when he asked Henry Moore to create a sculpture for his scheme for Impington Village College in Cambridgeshire in 1937. Although the plan was scrapped due to costs, Moore's design was later commissioned for a new school in Stevenage, part of a generous programme across Hertfordshire that saw one per cent of the county's annual budget spent on contemporary art, to be installed within the schools and grounds. A more significant iteration of Gropius' concept saw the participation of abstract artist Victor Pasmore in the design of housing for the new town of Peterlee in County Durham. Following the early departure of Berthold Lubetkin from the project, Pasmore was appointed consulting director of urban design, using his paintings as the basis for the landscaping and layout of the 300-acre Sunny Blunts estate. At the centre of the estate is the Apollo Pavilion, a cantilevered concrete cubist structure designed by Pasmore, set above an artificial lake as a symbol of the estate's intentions to synthesise architecture and art. ... Image courtesy of Tony Ray-Jones/RIBA Collections New Ash Green / Eric Lyons事務所 / 1966年 在包浩斯的整個城鎮中,Törten住宅區由德紹市委託,作為具有成本效益的大規模住房的實驗性解決方案。 由格羅皮烏斯與包浩斯建築學共同設計,該莊園是在滿足「光、空氣和陽光」的前提下進行規劃,並按照模塊化設計原則進行工作,在現場進行組裝。 格羅皮烏斯的一些想法可以在上世紀50年代和60年代英格蘭南部63個地點建造的Span開發住房中看到。 該房屋由Eric Lyons設計,他在上世紀30年代在格羅皮烏斯和麥克斯韋·弗萊的辦公室擔任初級建築師。他認為,像他的前僱主一樣,建築師應該為社會提供服務,並試圖創建鄉村風格的社區,將道路、房屋和遊樂區整合到「整體環境」中。 肯特州New Ash Green的Span計劃是一個擁有19個社區的完整村莊,每個社區擁有100到150座房屋,並使用以前莊園中的模塊化形式進行設計。所有房屋都面向或背向公共綠地,Lyons及其團隊還設計了該村莊的許多社區和公共設施。 New Ash Green, Kent, by Eric Lyons and Partners, 1966 Across town from the Bauhaus, the Törten housing estate was commissioned by the city of Dessau as an experimental solution for cost-effective mass housing. Designed by Walter Gropius with the Bauhaus's department of architecture, the estate was planned under the premise of "light, air and sun", and worked to a modular design principle that saw some components manufactured on site. Some of Gropius' ideas are visible in the Span Development housing built in the 1950s and 1960s, at 63 sites across the south of England. The housing was designed by Eric Lyons, who worked as a junior architect in the office of Gropius and Maxwell Fry in the 1930s. He believed, like his former employer, that architects should provide a service to society, and sought to create village-style communities that integrated roads, houses and play areas into "total environments". The Span scheme for New Ash Green in Kent was proposed as a complete village with nineteen neighbourhoods, each featuring 100 to 150 homes and designed using elements of the modular forms seen in previous estates. All the houses faced or backed onto common green areas, with Lyons and his team also designing many of the village's community and public facilities. ... Image courtesy of Architectural Press Archive/RIBA Collections Reliance控制工廠 / Team 4 / 1968年 包浩斯於1928年遷往德紹,部分原因是格羅皮烏斯希望加強學生與行業之間的聯繫。工業材料的採用對他的建築實踐也至關重要,儘管這在他到達英國後造成了問題。 格羅皮烏斯為Impington鄉村學院制定的計劃大大超出了預算,因為他指定的標準化組件尚未在英國生產。正如在赫特福德郡縣議會的學校建設計劃中所看到的那樣,只有在戰後時代才能實現標準化並按時實施。 工廠製造的結構部件在許多學校中已成為高科技風格的中心,這是由Team 4在上世紀60年代率先提出的,該事務所由Su Brumwell、Wendy Cheesman、Norman Foster和Richard Rogers創立。 該事務所的最後一個項目是Swindon的Reliance控制工廠,這是一種靈活的低成本項目,使用了標準化組件構建。福斯特後來在Greenford的IBM技術園,是按照類似的理念設計,這個方案通過一條道路連接各個區域,這一概念與格羅皮烏斯的包浩斯建築很相似。 主要圖片來源:Edmund Sumner Reliance Controls Factory, Swindon, by Team 4, 1968 The Bauhaus' move to Dessau in 1928 resulted in part from Walter Gropius' desire to strengthen the links between his students and industry. The adoption of industrial materials was fundamental also to his architecture practice, although this created problems upon his arrival in the UK. Gropius' plans for Impington Village College ran significantly over budget as the standardised components he specified were not yet in production in Britain. It was only in the post-war era that standardisation could be implemented to scale and delivered at pace, as seen in the school building programme of Hertfordshire County Council. The visibility of the factory-made structural components in many of the schools was to become a central facet of the high-tech style, pioneered by Team 4 in the 1960s, a practice set up by Su Brumwell, Wendy Cheesman, Norman Foster and Richard Rogers. The firm's last project was the Reliance Controls Factory in Swindon, a flexible, low-cost design built using available, standardised components. Foster's later IBM Technical Park in Greenford, Middlesex was built to a similar ethos, a split scheme linked by block on pilotis that traverses a service road, a plan remarkably similar to that of Gropius' Bauhaus building in Dessau. Main image is by Edmund Sumner. 【專築網版權與免責聲明】:本網站註明「來源:專築網」的所有內容版權屬專築網所有,如需轉載,請註明出處
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